Safety First
In article .com>,
"Sheldon" > wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >
> > More people are riding motorcycles 'cause nobody can
> > afford to pay the frickin' high gas prices!
> Absolute nonsense... no one in the US rides a motorcycle to save
> money... you've obviously never owned a motorcycle (actually a
> motorcycle owns you). MPG is the lame excuse given to a spouse/parent
> for obtaining a mortgage on a bike, but no one, not even one, buys a
> Hawg to save gas... no more than the price of a helmet is a reason not
> to wear one. A Hawg costs more than a Corolla, costs three times as
> much to maintain, and gets lower gas milage. Maybe you have a friend
> with a small plane, as a favor you can be dropped you off at work...
> sky diving is more exhilerating and far safer than riding a motorcycle.
I don't think I said anything about riding a Harley. ;-) There are far
less expensive and more economical bikes...
and I was referring, once again, to a BICYCLE!
And as far as skydiving goes, I'd do that for thrills.
For sheer terror, I date.
> Bikers don't wear helmets for the same reason biker chicks don't wear
> panties... the chin strap is irritating.
That's a thong. If your chin is down there, that's your problem! <g>
> Sheldon
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson