Safety First
Sheldon wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> >
> > More people are riding motorcycles 'cause nobody can
> > afford to pay the frickin' high gas prices!
> Absolute nonsense... no one in the US rides a motorcycle to save
> money... you've obviously never owned a motorcycle (actually a
> motorcycle owns you). MPG is the lame excuse given to a spouse/parent
> for obtaining a mortgage on a bike, but no one, not even one, buys a
> Hawg to save gas... no more than the price of a helmet is a reason not
> to wear one. A Hawg costs more than a Corolla, costs three times as
> much to maintain, and gets lower gas milage. Maybe you have a friend
> with a small plane, as a favor you can be dropped you off at work...
> sky diving is more exhilerating and far safer than riding a motorcycle.
> Bikers don't wear helmets for the same reason biker chicks don't wear
> panties... the chin strap is irritating.
> Sheldon
Where can you get a new Corolla for $2,500? You can get several street
bikes for about $2,500 new. They may not be a stylish ego statement, but
they are very serviceable for around town use and get better mileage
than the Corolla as well.
Skydiving to work would certainly be fun in good weather, however bad
weather and the return trip in any weather would present issues.
Pete C.