Safety First
Goomba38 wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > He has to ride as if someone is out to get him, because they are. Don't
> > be a dope, put on your helmet. And make sure you have great medical
> > coverage. Helmetless, tshirt wearing motorcycle riders = amateurs.
> Just had a patient who wasn't wearing a shirt or helmet- besides the
> traumatic brain injury the road rash was so extensive he looked like
> "Swamp Thing" oozing all over even with huge bandages in place.
> This is a HUGE part of my patient population!!! But you forgot to
> mention drug and alcohol "on board" when they arrive to the trauma
> center. It is more common than not. We test 'em all when they come in
> and it plays a HUGE role in the accidents.
> We've had a spate of car vs. riding mowers too, go figure? And don't
> even think of ATV or four wheelers as being safe. Good lord we get more
> organ donors from those folks than anything. It is discouraging to say
> the least.
I think you've missed the point entirely. It is not motorcycles, nor
ATVs, nor riding mowers that are unsafe, it is *idiots* that are unsafe.
Your stoned, drunk or otherwise impaired "victims" would end up in your
emergency room regardless of motorcycles, ATVs or riding mowers.
Pete C.