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Salil Salil is offline
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Default Introduction

Ben Snyder wrote:
> I'll definitely try them out.

Keep one thing in mind if you do: Many of the Australian rieslings are
a bit more acidic and go very well with foods (we'd had one from Wynn's
Coonawarra Estate with Lebanese shawarmas, combination was fantastic),
but the NZ ones have a bit more residual sugar and tend to work very
well before meals as well.

> Methinks I'll be exploring more white wines so she can maybe find
> something she enjoys.

Has she been introduced to sweeter late harvest wines? There are some
very good ones out there, and not just from Sauternes. I'm quite fond
of botrytis Semillon - goes great with a lot of desserts, and there are
some very good ones out there on the market. (I'd recently picked up a
375 ml bottle of Peter Lehmann botrytis Semillon [05] for about 21
Sing. dollars, was quite superb.)
