Safety First
Pete C. wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> >
> > OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > >
> > > More people are riding motorcycles 'cause nobody can
> > > afford to pay the frickin' high gas prices!
> >
> > Absolute nonsense... no one in the US rides a motorcycle to save
> > money... you've obviously never owned a motorcycle (actually a
> > motorcycle owns you). MPG is the lame excuse given to a spouse/parent
> > for obtaining a mortgage on a bike, but no one, not even one, buys a
> > Hawg to save gas... no more than the price of a helmet is a reason not
> > to wear one. A Hawg costs more than a Corolla, costs three times as
> > much to maintain, and gets lower gas milage. Maybe you have a friend
> > with a small plane, as a favor you can be dropped you off at work...
> > sky diving is more exhilerating and far safer than riding a motorcycle.
> >
> > Bikers don't wear helmets for the same reason biker chicks don't wear
> > panties... the chin strap is irritating.
> >
> > Sheldon
> Where can you get a new Corolla for $2,500? You can get several street
> bikes for about $2,500 new.
You're quoting a riding lawn mower from Lowes. LOL
You don't have a clue... a stripped down 80cc dirt bike for a 10 year
old costs $2,500.
Any road ready commuter cycle is gonna run more than $8K, and that's
for a naked bike... the minimal accessories can easily top $2,500... in
fact a biker's minimum wardrobe has got to cost more than $2,500.
Typically a commuter bike will be in the $10-$12K range, because
outfitting a lesser bike will bring the price up to what you already
get with the more expensive machine, only you still have a lesser
powered smaller bike. And I'm not taking touring bikes here... you can
easy pay $25K for a Gold Wing.
And no one ever asks MPG in a cycle shop... that's like if you go to
buy a yacht and ask MPG... the salesman will laugh you out of the
US roadways, in-town or interstate, are just not designed for
motorcycles, and never will be... in the US a motorcycle is strictly a
luxury/pleasure item, it will never be a frugal method for commuting.
You obviously can't afford a bike, not any bike... you''re another one
who's never owned a bike.