Thread: Safety First
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Safety First

OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> I'll stick with a bicycle. Thanks.

You can't ride a bicycle to work. Odds are at your age and in your
physical condition you can't ride a bicycle outdoors more than maybe 3
miles, and I'm being generous... and if there're are even the slightest
grades you're screwed, you'll be lucky to make a mile without a 20
minute rest. And btw, a so-so decent commuter bicycle can cost $500+,
and routine maintenance ain't cheap, so you ain't gonna save money by
pedaling your ass. And when you finally arrive at work you'll be
dripping sweat and stinking, you'll need a shower and a complete change
of clothes, even shoes (works for europeans because none ever bathe
anyways). And I ain't even gonna mention weather, how many times I
pedaled the seven miles to work when it was a sunny balmy morning and
had to bum a ride to get home in the dark clouds of a rain storm. And
there's more, more adversities than you can shake a stick at... got bit
by a dog 'cause I passed his majesty's driveway... got picked up at a
red light by a soccer mom because for weeks she'd been tailing me in
her Volvo admiring my sweaty tight biker's buns... true! hehe

Most who talk bicycles for commuting once they actually look into it
never think about it again (you with the entire back seat of your Pinto
strewn knee deep in fast food drive-thru litter). You have to be in
damn good physical shape to commute by bicycle... I was in my mid
thirties then and had been riding a bicycle for all my life... by the
time I hit forty I couldn't do that kind of bicycling anymore. My old
bicycle is hanging in my barn, haven't sat on it in more than 20 years.
The terrain here is too hilly, I only see young kids on bicycles, 8-14
year olds doing wheelies with mountain bikes.
