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Glenn[_1_] Glenn[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 80
Default how can i be a pro food critic

Tell me that you don't really shop at Food Lion. I was in the office at
a Food Lion in Sugarland, Texas when a customer brought in a carton of
milk with a dead rat in it. I saw it with my own eyes. Food Lion is so
bad that all stores around the Houston area closed.

lubricant wrote:

> i want to eat for a living
> does a food critic make good money?
> I think I know what good food and service is
> for example, this pizza Im eating right now sux
> but Ill need another slice to be sure
> the box was real pretty, so that's good atmosphere
> I was in and out of food lion in just minutes, so that's good service
> i ordered (bought frozen pizza) the primo thin crust grilled chicken
> ceasar pizza
> by, it tastes good when you first bite it, your
> mind says.. yeah pizza but after you swallow, it has an empty finish.
> it tastes alright but I wouldnt order this again
> it had too much farmer-jean on it
> sometimes I can overlook mediocre service if the food and atmosphere is
> good
> loobie