Safety First
Sheldon wrote:
> Pete C. wrote:
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> > > "Chris Marksberry" wrote
> > >
> > > > As much as I hate to I'd have to agree with Sheldon (seems kinda
> > > > unnatural)
> > > > on the motorcycle deal and people not wearing helmets. I have a step-son
> > > > who's a Harley-Davidson enthusiast (and owns about 3 Harley's)and when the
> > > > helmet law was repealed in Texas he promptly started riding without a
> > > > helmet. Scares me and my husband and we talked with son to no avail...
> > > > guess safety is less important to him and to have his hair flying the
> > > > breeze
> > > > is more important.
> > >
> > > My fil was into motorcycling, he always had a couple of bikes
> > > around. As much as the helmet law aggravated him, at the same time
> > > he wouldn't ride without one. Why? Because it's stupid. If nothing
> > > else, hasn't your son noticed that people driving cars either don't notice
> > > him or don't think anything of taking over his roadspace? No respect;
> > > that is, until the car driver finds out they just demolished someone, as
> > > the poor rider is being scraped off the road.
> > >
> > > He has to ride as if someone is out to get him, because they are. Don't
> > > be a dope, put on your helmet. And make sure you have great medical
> > > coverage. Helmetless, tshirt wearing motorcycle riders = amateurs.
> > >
> > > nancy
> >
> > Unfortunately too many people believe helmets are some sort of magic
> > bubble and if you wear one you'll be just fine. The reality is that
> > helmets have both positive and negative aspects and an adult has every
> > right to assess those aspects themselves and make their own decisions.
> I've heard the same low IQ comments about wearing seatbelts... you
> probably think the same about infant seats and grounding wires and fire
> extinguishers... JERK!
Those other items you mention do not have negative aspects. Seat belts
do not increase any hazards, nor do infant seats, grounds or fire
extinguishers. Helmets do have some negative aspects (as do airbags) and
a sensible person will evaluate those negative aspects, the positive
aspects and their particular situation to make a rational decision as to
their desirability.
> Life is all risk but can be minimized, death has no risks... Pete
> obviously has a death wish, you ignorant clinically depressed
> *******... perhaps you can borrow some Polar Thorazine from the
> paranoid schizophrenic one.
> Sheldon
Life is indeed all about risks and a rational person evaluates those
risks to make reasonable decisions as to what risks are acceptable given
the benefits.
Pete C.