My eyes! Ahhh!!
Nancy Young wrote:
> Picked up some Milk Duds when I was food shopping earlier
> today and noticed a new product. Makes me ill just to say
> what it was: Strawberry flavor Whoppers. Malted milk balls
> in pepto-pink strawberry flavor coating. It's just wrong.
> Even worse, though, I was scouting out a line to pay when a
> woman with an id badge said, that's an express line, come
> over here. They have 2 express lines, I never once had any
> idea there was a third. Oh, man, how many times have I used
> that line when I shouldn't have. Heh. I defend myself by saying,
> they have balloons floating around the sign, I still couldn't read
> that when I looked to see what she was saying.
> Well, I told her, I never knew that was express! and she said, a lot
> of people don't. Guess they need to put more effort into making
> sure the sign is visible.
> nancy
My latest candy find is chocolate and candy coated sunflower seeds.
They are like little, tiny, tear-drop shaped M&Ms with sunflower seeds
in the center. Winco sells them in the bulk foods department. They
are incredibly delicious, and I can't eat them because of on the diet I
am on!