My eyes! Ahhh!!
A guy pulled into a 15-item express line with a basket completely full.
I told him he was in an express line. He proceeded to put 15 items on
the counter, pay for them, and then he put another 15 items up. He did
this until his basket was empty.
Nancy Young wrote:
> Picked up some Milk Duds when I was food shopping earlier
> today and noticed a new product. Makes me ill just to say
> what it was: Strawberry flavor Whoppers. Malted milk balls
> in pepto-pink strawberry flavor coating. It's just wrong.
> Even worse, though, I was scouting out a line to pay when a
> woman with an id badge said, that's an express line, come
> over here. They have 2 express lines, I never once had any
> idea there was a third. Oh, man, how many times have I used
> that line when I shouldn't have. Heh. I defend myself by saying,
> they have balloons floating around the sign, I still couldn't read
> that when I looked to see what she was saying.
> Well, I told her, I never knew that was express! and she said, a lot
> of people don't. Guess they need to put more effort into making
> sure the sign is visible.
> nancy