My eyes! Ahhh!!
Christopher Helms wrote:
> Nancy Young wrote:
> > Picked up some Milk Duds when I was food shopping earlier
> > today and noticed a new product. Makes me ill just to say
> > what it was: Strawberry flavor Whoppers. Malted milk balls
> > in pepto-pink strawberry flavor coating. It's just wrong.
> It does seem rather unnatural, but strawberry and vanilla malted milk
> balls are out there and they're not as bad as they sound. I tried some
> about a year ago and they weren't too shabby, actually. BTW, I hope you
> also picked up some Skittles. They're just plain good.
I haven't run across them and rather expect I'd find them odd. I do
remember the old malted milk tablets that used to exist which were quite
good. I don't think they exist any more though.
Pete C.