Andy wrote:
> Pete C., after taking an infinite amount of time, finally, on 29 Aug
> 2006, typed out:
> > Christopher Helms wrote:
> >>
> >> Nancy Young wrote:
> >> > Picked up some Milk Duds when I was food shopping earlier
> >> > today and noticed a new product. Makes me ill just to say
> >> > what it was: Strawberry flavor Whoppers. Malted milk balls
> >> > in pepto-pink strawberry flavor coating. It's just wrong.
> >>
> >> It does seem rather unnatural, but strawberry and vanilla malted milk
> >> balls are out there and they're not as bad as they sound. I tried some
> >> about a year ago and they weren't too shabby, actually. BTW, I hope
> you
> >> also picked up some Skittles. They're just plain good.
> >
> > I haven't run across them and rather expect I'd find them odd. I do
> > remember the old malted milk tablets that used to exist which were
> quite
> > good. I don't think they exist any more though.
> >
> > Pete C.
> I remember Milk duds as being chocolate with chewy caramel inside. At the
> movies there were those malted milk balls that were chocolate with the
> malt inside.
> Now I'm strung out on sweettarts. Was up to two rolls a day. @^/
> Andy
Er, Milk Duds are chocolate coated caramel bits. Whoppers are the puffed
malted milk balls coated with chocolate.
The malted milk tablets I mentioned were available in regular and
chocolate versions and were a compressed tablet perhaps 3/4" dia x 3/16"
thick. The brand might have been "Horlick's" or something like that.
Hey! What do you know, they still exist: hid=inceptor
Pete C.
Pete C.