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Ranee Mueller Ranee Mueller is offline
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Posts: 473
Default Food TV Question

In article <f%2Jg.778$wI5.728@trndny04>,
"Mordechai Housman" > wrote:

> I and my wife have not had a television in over ten years. When we got
> married, some ten years ago, we made that decision. We used to watch a
> little when we visited her family, but now we have stopped that also.

I'd be willing to bet you are better off for it. I'm not someone who
thinks that television is evil, but there is so much garbage to sift
through, even on good channels or good programs, and I see no reason to
pay to bring it into our home. We wouldn't allow the kind of language
or behavior on television in our living room, yet we would somehow pipe
it in?

Our kids' teachers were all impressed at their attention span and
vocabulary. They all commented to us on it at the parent teacher
meetings, and we simply said that we didn't watch television, and that
seemed to explain it to them.


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