In article . com>,
"KevinS" > wrote:
> I also don't have television in my home. I've done without it since May
> 2005.
> I see television in hotels and sometimes at sports bar type restaurants.
I watched a little television when I was at the hospital. My remote
was broken, and I couldn't turn it off. I had to call the nurse to get
her to hit the button on the television, since Rich was in the shower.
My mother always has the television on, partly because she lives
alone. I cannot stand it when we visit, because she has news programs
and junk tv on _all_ the time. Regardless of who (i.e. the children,
who at last visit were all under seven) is seeing the violence, sex and
hearing the foul language. Even the news isn't really safe, because of
the scary things that are covered and the violence and war shown. We
try to shelter our kids a bit, and work hard to be gatekeepers of what
they see, and have enough trouble just driving along the freeway with
its billboards and going through the check out aisles at the grocery
store, without having all that mess in my mom's home as well.
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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13