OT - Sabbatical Time Again
On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 22:16:51 -0500, Damsel in dis Dress
> wrote:
>Wow! Real life is really taking over my computer time these days. As
>of Tuesday, our little family will include Crash, Joe, his brother,
>and me. Cleaning, re-organizing, remodeling ... it's taking up a lot
>of time. PLUS ... we have other humans to talk to now, so I'm not
>entirely dependent upon RFC for my social outlet anymore.
>The other thing, a couple of you know, is that I've been suicidally
>depressed for nearly two months now. It takes just too darned much
>energy to keep up with the posts and to make upbeat-sounding posts.
>I'm just too tired. Andy will take over my THWACKING
>while I'm gone.
>Things will settle down in awhile, and the depression will improve,
>and you'll be stuck with me once more. Never fear. You're my
>and I'll come back to you. I always do.
>Anyone who wants to keep in touch, feel free. This is not a munged
>I'll stick around for a couple days to finish out this thread, but I
>need this break.
Oh I know you have taken good care of your SO for months. Don't
worry--you were able to think <damselindisdres...> which is fabulous.
Sorry Carol. Hang tough. Let us know if we can help ypu. LIfe is
rough at tims.
warmest aloha,'Cea
farmers of pure kona
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