Thread: Grocery Prices
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Blair P. Houghton Blair P. Houghton is offline
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Default Grocery Prices

Edwin Pawlowski > wrote:
>"Blair P. Houghton" > wrote in message
>> It's not our insistence. Demand doesn't drive prices
>> the way you think it does. Supply always has the ability
>> to control prices. In Wal-Mart's case, the junta is keeping
>> them from having to pay decent wages or provide benefits.

>There is supply, but often at a little higher price. I can go to my local
>paint store and buy everything I need, but it will cost me about $5 a gallon
>more for the quality paint versus the stuff WalMart has. I choose to pay
>that, others don't. You have a choice.

Adam Smith would take away your credit card.

You don't have a choice unless you have unlimited
money. If you don't have unlimited money, you do
the majority of your choosing based on price.

>Too many people expect others to make their way in life for them. You have
>to take responsibility for your own life and go out and find the better job,
>be willing to pay a higher price at the local stores. No one is forced to
>work at any job.

Tell that to a mother of four who's 4 hours of wages
away from an eviction notice.

It is not possible in this world to live off the fat of
the land unless you own the land, in which case you have
enough assets to live without working anyway.
