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Patricia Aquino wrote:
> Yes, Spamfree, you can count me in as someone who is tired of hearing
> the words "low carb" or more irritating just the word "carbs".
> While many of us would benefit from cutting the carbohydrates in our
> diet, I am sick to death of friends and family alike spouting off about
> their "low carb diets". I am sick of going to a restaurant with them
> and having them completely revamp the menu as they smugly announce to
> one and all that they are "counting carbs". I am tempted to tell the
> waiter/waitress to just pile the "carbs" onto my plate.
> The most irritating friend I have is one who toots her horn about her
> Atkins diet as she's puffing on one cigarette after the other. She
> brags about all the "weenies" she's had that day as she's chomping on a
> bag of pork rinds. I would love to see what her cholesterol level
> really is not to mention her blood pressure! This is also a person who
> believes if you watch a work-out video it's as if you have done the full
> work out. She might have her head examined while she's having her
> cholesterol and blood pressure checked. If that were the case, I'd be
> the fittest form walking...Lord knows I have "watched" my share of
> exercise videos. I am out of breath just thinking of how hard it was to
> watch them. Wonder if I were to walk around with a book on my head if it
> would be the same as reading it?
> To sum it up...I've got your "carbs" riighttt here!

Were you equally as upset when everyone was spouting "low fat?" If not,
your prejudice is showing.
