"She Devil" > wrote in message
> > Dulce de Leche flavored OREOS!
> But wait..I can top both that *and* the Str*wb*rry Whoppers <shudder>:
> DEEP FRIED Oreos! I kid you not. And...deep fried *Twinkies*! <retch>
> At the Santa Cruz Boardwalk.
> Anne
> ---
> Personal: http://www.MangeMerde.com
> Internet: http://www.TheInternetPatrol.com
> The Raw: http://www.AdventuresInRawFood.com
> The Law: http://www.DearEsq.com
the local Sprawl Mart has a food trailer out front that sells only cotton
candy, 'soft' pretzels and deep fried oreos and deep fried candy bars. The
employees are 'encouraged' to go there as TWENTY FIVE cents of every $5 they
charge for the pretzel is given to the Children's Miracle Network of which
Sprawlmart FOUNDED (what a crock of shit that is....bogarting a legitimate
charity to make a profit )....so $4.75 goes into their pocket for each
individual 'Superpretzel' they take off their shelves. They don't even
serve real soft pretzels. And, OOOOH Chocolate....let's deep fry it....