In article >,
Serene > wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 15:51:09 -0700, Ranee Mueller
> > wrote:
> > I'd be willing to bet you are better off for it. I'm not someone who
> >thinks that television is evil, but there is so much garbage to sift
> >through, even on good channels or good programs, and I see no reason to
> >pay to bring it into our home. We wouldn't allow the kind of language
> >or behavior on television in our living room, yet we would somehow pipe
> >it in?
> I would (and do) allow profanity in my living room -- and even SEX! --
> but I agree that there's not a ton of stuff of value out there.
No to the profanity, but I suppose, technically yes to the second. I
should have been more clear: We don't invite people over to our home to
behave in front of us as they do on television.
> There
> is some, though, and I'm lucky enough to have caught some of it on
> DVD. The West Wing, for instance, and Six Feet Under, and Nova, are
> just three things that come to mind.
We have been glad to find that most shows that we were interested in
seeing could be seen on DVD, and that even PBS shows/specials could be
gotten from the library on DVD. So, we get to watch good programming if
and when we like, on our schedule rather than a broadcast schedule. It
has reduced how much we watch, though, because we find we fill our time
with other things now.
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"She seeks wool and flax, and works with willing hands." Prov 31:13