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Kthonian Kthonian is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 156
Default OT - Sabbatical Time Again

One time on Usenet, Damsel in dis Dress
> said:

> Wow! Real life is really taking over my computer time these days. As
> of Tuesday, our little family will include Crash, Joe, his brother,
> and me. Cleaning, re-organizing, remodeling ... it's taking up a lot
> of time. PLUS ... we have other humans to talk to now, so I'm not
> entirely dependent upon RFC for my social outlet anymore.
> The other thing, a couple of you know, is that I've been suicidally
> depressed for nearly two months now. It takes just too darned much
> energy to keep up with the posts and to make upbeat-sounding posts.
> I'm just too tired.


My heart goes out to you, Sis. I mean that sincerely, not only
because I like you, but particularly 'cuz we're suffering from
the same condition, and I have a strong idea of how you're feeling.
Usenet, unfortunately, is NOT condusive to handling depression;
just too many assholes out there, trying to make themselve feel
better by putting others down. Doesn't matter who the target is,
it can be tough to read, and nearly impossible to avoid.

Fortunately, there are a lot of great folks in RFC who will be
eagerly waiting for your return. I'll miss your smiling face.
E-mail me if you ever want to talk...

Hugs - Jani :-)