Greetings from Orlando where I await tropical storm Ernesto:
I assume that I am like many home-hobbyists bakers, I like to experiment. If I can keep the variable limited to one thing (which at times is practically impossible even in an air conditioned, enclosed environment), I do learn something.
Lately, I have been using the "Dough Ratios" information found at : . I like to make breakfast breads that incorporate fruits, nuts and seeds and that are leavened with my starter (I wouldn't dare call this sourdough because some would scream, rant and rave cluttering this thread with comments that if it isn't just flour salt and water, it cannot be sourdough!).
Anyway, some of my experiments come closer to lightly, leavened fruit cake versus naturally leavened bread containing fruit, nuts and seeds. Having stumbled upon the above referenced link I became puzzled (an excerpt is copied below):
Dough Ratios Table
% Ingredient Variables Example
100 Flour 60% Hard Wheat 5 Lbs.
60-85% Liquid Eggs-25% -- Milk 50% 3 Lbs.
3-5 Yeast NA 2.5 - 4 Oz.
2-4 Salt Vinegar may be substituted 1.5 - 3 Oz.
0-10 Sugar Honey, Brown or Maple Sugar 0 - Oz.
0-10 Shortening Oil, Margarine or butter 0 - 8 Oz.
The ratios, as given, are baker's percentages where ingredients are given as a percentage of the weight of flour (That is, 8 oz. of shortening, oil, margarine or butter is 10% of 5 pounds {80 ounces} -- the weight of the flour.). However, the line below this table states:
Fruits, Nuts, Vegetable and Cheeses: Up to 10% of the dough weight or fresh herbs up to 0.05% of the dough weight may be added.
I note that this says "dough weight." Obviously a simple version of this recipe will produce roughly 8 pounds of dough. Ten percent of dough weight would therefore be 12.8 ounces of fruits, nuts, etc. However, if the implication is everything is expressed in terms of the weight of flour then 10% of 5 pounds is 8 ounces.
OK, which is it?
Second, I assume that this is this the total for all additions. That is, the 10% includes all such additions (be it determined either 8 or 12.8 ounces for said example) . Not 10% raisins, 10% nuts, 10% seeds, etc.
Many thanks.