Cooking Video Clip Requests??
A suncere thank you to everyone for all the very usefull info!
....even NB, who IMHO needs to chill out a bit, maybe a nice bowl of
Of course I'm trying to promote the site! I want as many as possible
to see my videos! The one I'm uploading today is an eggs benedict demo
that I know contains tricks many here probably havent seen before....
like NO DOUBLE BOILER!! I know, shocking.
Yes, eventually I would like guests on the site to be able to purchase
a few "secret ingrs." I use like rosemarysalt or romesco, but this is a
ways off.
In an effort to make my posts less "spamtastic" (thanks Steven
Colbert), I will only mention the dish or technique that I'm demo'ing
with a direct link to that video clip. If someone wants to explore the
site after they arrive so be it.
If anyone has any other suggestions PLEASE let me know. To me the
bottom line is, are these clips enjoyable and eduacational for people
that love food and cooking?
Now, I have some eggs benedict to eat....
notbob wrote:
> On 2006-08-30, mike > wrote:
> > Even by the loosest definition of spam his post did not come
> > close.
> I don't mind folks posting info on a commercial or semi-commercial
> website. Hell, I do it myself occasionally, as recently as last week,
> in fact. If to just provide the group with a heads up, no problem.
> But, posting once is just info. Posting the same info 4 times in the
> last 10 days, specially by the person who will gain, makes it spam, no
> "loose" to it.
> nb