In article >,
"cybercat" > wrote:
> "OmManiPadmeOmelet" > wrote in message
> news
> > Been on a salad kick now for the past two weeks.
> > For some reason dad and I have both been craving fresh greens...
> >
> [...]> Papasan is now 74.
> > --
> And very lucky to have you.
He knows... and I feel lucky to still have him! :-)
We lost mom a bit over 4 years ago and my sister moved to Arizona. <sigh>
> I am also on a salad kick, it's what I want but
> I have not gone out to get the fixings! Yet ...
Okay, let's start...
Favorite salad ingredients:
Romaine lettuce
Boston butter lettuce
Baby Spinach
Red or green leaf lettuce
Quartered hard boiled eggs
Sliced black (or sometimes green) olives
Shredded cheese, Mozarella, Monterey Jack or White cheddar
Cocktail Shrimp (salad shrimp have no flavor!)
Shredded fresh or fresh frozen crab meat
Shredded fake crab if I'm desperate
Various sliced meats to include grilled fish, grilled beef or shredded
Thin sliced cold sausage
Bacon bits
Fine shredded carrots
Sliced Avocado
Sliced Tomato
Diced cold cooked Asparagus
Artichoke hearts (canned or fresh)
Baby corn (canned)
Raw mushrooms
Raw Cauliflower
Raw Broccoli
Thin sliced Celery
That's all I can think of for now, but a walk thru the produce section
can inspire me. <G>
Preferred dressings are low fat mayo, Ranch or Ceaser dressings, or
Italian/Creamy Italian if I'm in a vinegar mood....
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson