Ranee Mueller wrote:
> In article >,
> Serene > wrote:
> > On Tue, 29 Aug 2006 15:51:09 -0700, Ranee Mueller
> > > wrote:
> >
> > > I'd be willing to bet you are better off for it. I'm not someone who
> > >thinks that television is evil, but there is so much garbage to sift
> > >through, even on good channels or good programs, and I see no reason to
> > >pay to bring it into our home. We wouldn't allow the kind of language
> > >or behavior on television in our living room, yet we would somehow pipe
> > >it in?
> >
> > I would (and do) allow profanity in my living room -- and even SEX! --
> > but I agree that there's not a ton of stuff of value out there.
> No to the profanity, but I suppose, technically yes to the second. I
> should have been more clear: We don't invite people over to our home to
> behave in front of us as they do on television.
Heh. We do, but then I've been the resident freak here (on rfc, I mean)
for a long time, and I'm used to it. :-)
(Also, many of the shows I watch have people supporting each other,
doing political activism, and smooching -- all of that is welcome in my
living room; hell, it's encouraged. :-)