Injected Pork - It's Spreading
" wrote:
> > I know I've read plenty on here about pork that's been injected with a
> > saline solution, and I don't recall that much of it's been positive. It's
> > not something I'd ever seen here.
> Do you recomend Bausch & Lomb or Sensitive Eyes
> On a serious note Infusing meat with a salt-water solution is an
> excelent way to add flavor and moisture. It's called brining. But I
> wouldn't pay premimum prices for "Moisture-infused pork" If you want
> more flavor and moisture find a good brine recipie and do it yourself.
You can buy syringes in kitchen supply stores, if I recall. You
could probably use one from the craft store as well, well washed, of
course. You could make your own flavour mixes. There are syringes sold
with very large needles, meant for garlic and herbs, that are advertised
on some info-mercials.....Sharon