spices and herbs question -- sort of
aem wrote:
> Sheldon wrote:
> > Mordechai Housman wrote:
> > >
> > > I have posted both files. I hope they are good and worth something.
> >
> > They're worth shit because you did NOT post them, you're a wimp AND A
> > LIAR!
> >
> He posted two lists in different threads.
> One is spices/herbs and what
> they go with, the other is Stuff and what spices/herbs go with them.
> They're basically useless lists, as any such lists would have to be.
> They're neither complete nor prescriptive, nor do they imply that an
> omitted pairing wouldn't work well. -aem
That's exactly what I surmised... I believe you so I won't bother to
look for them.