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Tracy Karachi
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Default Kneeding Question


I am trying to replicate a Moroccan recipe which includes a kind of
fried flat bread where the dough is made from a combination of durum
flour and AP flour, salt and hot water. My Moroccan SIL makes this
dough by kneeding it like crazy and when she is done she makes litle
balls of dough and greases them lightly with oil. Each ball is then
spread out as thin as possible by hand and folded into a square-letter
style--so that there are a few layers. They are then flattened a
little more and cooked on a very hot griddle with a little oil. They
end up nice a brown and speckly on the outside but on the inside the
layers are steamy and very elastic. These are then torn up into
little pieces and serve as a base for a chicken dish made with onions
and fenugreek. Now my simple question is how can I tell when I have
kneeded the dough enough so that I can get the dough to spread easily
and not spring back at me. I have made this a few times with varying
results--I usually end up letting the dough sit for a while
longer---but I am convinced there is a better way to tell that the
dough is ready.

Thanks in advance.