Thread: Corned Beef
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Reg[_1_] Reg[_1_] is offline
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Default Corned Beef

JimnGin wrote:

> My stepdaughter bought a "corned beef" brisket that is packed in
> liquid, with a packet of spices- about 2-3 pounds, net weight. She is
> bringing it over this evening (Friday) for me to cook on Saturday for
> dinner for all of us. She wants to make reuben sandwiches with it. What
> is the best way to prepare the brisket? Obviously, it's wouldn't be the
> same as beef brisket, cooked low and slow for 14+ hours, or would it?
> I'm thinking of grilling it on my CharGriller, using indirect heat. I'd
> put the charcoal grate on it's lowest setting, put the lump to one far
> side, and the corned beef brisket to the other far side, adding wood
> chips occasionaly. I figure it'd take about 4-6 hours this way. What do
> you think? Would this method work? What, if any, changes would you
> recommend to the method I'm considering? I really don't want to cook it
> inside, in a slow cooker. However, if that is the best way, I'll cook
> it that way. Please give me your opinions and recommendations for
> cooking a "corned beef" brisket that will be used to make reuben
> sandwiches.
> Thanks, I appreciate your help!

You can Q it for sure. You won't end up with corned
beef, you'll have something much better: pastrami. I
prefer to cure the meat myself but you can get by with
a store bought product like the one you describe.

The corned beef stuff you get at the supermarket is usually
very salty, so you should give it a soak to remove some
of it. A cold water bath for a few hours with at least
one change of water.

Dry it off and rub it with your mix of choice. Traditional
for pastrami is ground coriander and black pepper, but
use whatever rub you like for beef.

Smoke the same as for brisket, around 250 F until
185-190 F internal. As with brisket, cooking times
vary a lot. The best way to judge is by internal temp
and, better yet, the fork test.
