Roasted Cauliflower Soup - Last nights supper
Roasted Cauliflower Soup
2 Heads of cauliflower
4 Cloves of garlic
1 Medium purple onion
3 Tbsp olive oil
4 Cups of chicken stock
1 Cup of cream
1 Tsp pepper
1 Tbsp Thyme
1 Bay leaf
Salt to taste (depending on how salty your stock is)
Grated Cheese (if desired)
I saw this recipe on some cooking show or another, and it sounded good.
This is not the exact recipe, but an approximation. I don't have any
pictures yet, but will post some next time. This soup is awesome.
Clean an chop the cauliflower, onion, and garlic. They don't have to
be finely chopped, just so that they will lay flat on a baking pan.
Toss them with the olive oil and a little salt, Lay all of it out on a
greased baking sheet (lined with foil, if you're lazy like me), and put
them in the oven at 425 degrees f for about 45 minutes. Check them
every now and then, and when the cauliflower gets golden, it's roasted.
Do not let it burn.
While that's going, start warming the stock, thyme, pepper and bay leaf
in a pot large enough to hold the whole bunch of soup. When the
veggies are done, add them to the stock, and simmer for about 30
minutes, or until the cauliflower is tender.
When the cauliflower is tender, fish out the bay leaf, and put the soup
in a blender, food processor, or use a hand-held pulser thing to mush
it all up. It should be fairly smooth. At this point, taste it, and
add some salt, if needed.
Stir in the cream, and serve with bread. It's great with sourdough,
and topped with a little grated cheese.