Thread: Bad drivers
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Posted to alt.religion.kibology,comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.english.usage,
[email protected] is offline
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Posts: 16
Default Bad drivers

Kevin S. Wilson > did eloquently scribble:
> On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 07:36:46 GMT, wrote:

>>John Schmidt > did eloquently scribble:
>>> The Ghost In The Machine wrote:

>>>> A typical newsspool might look something like this, for COLA:

>>> It *might*, but it probably doesn't.

>>Got any other examples of what one DOES look like?
>>I've not seen a news spool handled by INN since I failed to get it
>>configured properly on my first linux box before discovering leafnode.

> Your incompetence with computers is hardly reason enough for him to do
> your homework for you.

He's the one posting the challenge by saying "It *might* but probably
doesn't", why should I do homework for HIM?

All I was doing was explaining how kibo COULD respond quite simply to every
post on usenet that mentioned his name. And yet you accuse me of
incompetence with computers cos I can't be arsed researching other news
server file structures.

If you're accusing me of incompetence because I never got INN working on a
home machine trying to connect to an ISPs news server, perhaps it was
because INN is a full blown news server not designed to run as a leafnode
and so difficult to configure as such.

Sheesh, some people indeed.
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