In article .com>,
"Jude" > wrote:
> biig wrote:
> > How long do you blanch tomatoes to peel them? I'm making my friend's
> > "96" sauce and have never done this...tia....Sharon
> The chef (jonhson & wales trained) who teaches classes with me says
> it's the ice water shock more than the blanch that loosens the peels.
> When we taught this for camp this summer, she did a 10-second count out
> loud with the kids, and they peeled up perfectly. Any longer in the hot
> wanter and the tomatoes began to cook and got soft inside.
Ice water plunge post-blanching is the key. The skins all split open and
shrink. You don't even need a knife! Fingernails work fine, but I
personally use a 2" paring knife that fits well in my hand just because
I find it to be easier.
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a Son of a bitch"
-- Jack Nicholson