Thread: Bad drivers
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Posted to alt.religion.kibology,comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.english.usage,
Marc Goodman Marc Goodman is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 42
Default Bad drivers

> shelly > did eloquently scribble:

>>>you bring so arsey about it?

>>And here we were, thinking you wanted to grasp it on your own.

> Big deal, typo, yes yes, very clever. Being, bring, one key out.
> Grasp what?

The sad part is you were doing so well before you got caught up
with this whole "what is Kibology/who is Kibo/how could someone
look for their own name on UserNet" thing.

Imagine, just for fun, that everyone you've been talking to
on this thread not only already knows about Kibology, Kibo,
etc., but IS, IN FACT, A KIBOLOGIST. In addition to being
a Kibologist and a fully certified and board licensed oncologist,
oTTo Bahn (not his real name) has a Ph.D. in computer science and
started his career working at AT&T on the UNIX operating system.
Not only does he know all about grep, he was actually part of
the committee that designed it (everyone has bad days).

OK, so given that you've been teaching your grandma how to
suck eggs, why would everyone seem so, well, simpleminded?
That's the question for you to consider, and if you still
can't solve the riddle for next time, I'll give you another
whack with the cluebat.