Thread: Bad drivers
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Posted to alt.religion.kibology,comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.english.usage,
Otto Bahn[_3_] Otto Bahn[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 73
Default Bad drivers

> wrote

>> OK, one more clue. When explaining to a chatroomful of Kibologists
>> what Kibology is, it's a good idea to have some notion yourself
>> about how Kibologists act and how they amuse themselves before diving
>> in. You actually failed to do this in a pretty spectacular manner,
>> with expected results. <http://www.just****>

> When crossposting to 3 other newsgroups, expect people not to know your
> culture of trollage or understand what the **** you're talking about half
> the time.

So close...

> You do understand other newsgroups don't act the same way as you? Or was it
> one of you who started the crosspost in the first place in order to fish?

....Ding! The light bulb is ON.

Of course we expect some people not to know our culture of
trollage -- it makes our job that much easier. On the flip
side, it is a lot more satisfying to troll some bozo who is
aware of trolling and swallows the hook anyway because it
was so skillfully dangled.

I should, however, explain the different types of trolls.
Kibologists are gentleman trolls -- it is only a practical
joke which we eventually reveal to you. The flaming and
insult trolls that just like to stir up trouble and tempers,
common on sports or political groups, are just assholes,
and they never go away (at least not till they quit posting
to the group).

