Thread: Bad drivers
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Posted to alt.religion.kibology,comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.english.usage,
[email protected] is offline
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Posts: 16
Default Bad drivers

Otto Bahn > did eloquently scribble:
> I should, however, explain the different types of trolls.
> Kibologists are gentleman trolls -- it is only a practical
> joke which we eventually reveal to you. The flaming and
> insult trolls that just like to stir up trouble and tempers,
> common on sports or political groups, are just assholes,
> and they never go away (at least not till they quit posting
> to the group).

That's why picking COLA as one of your crossposts was such a masterstroke.
WE only have the lying cheating argumentative type of troll.
(We call them wintrolls cos they actively support microsoft at the cost of
their integrity and honesty)

Your lot were a little too subtle for this newsgroup so it took longer to
twig, so to speak.

(Might I recommend the windows xp advocacy newsgroup, it's reputed to be far
worse than cola)

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