My Friend Gave Me This Coupon....
On Fri, 01 Sep 2006 15:51:22 -0700, MeestaKen wrote:
> Hello All,
> My friend works for a cooking equipment site called, and
> she gave me these two coupons to use when I want to buy something from
> there. However, since I'm not in the market for new cooking stuff, and
> more than one person can use the same coupon code, then I thought you
> all might want to know about it.
> First Code: WRE062430001C ($10 off $100 purchase)
> Second Code: WRE062430002C ($15 off $150 purchase)
> Happy Shopping! I'll be sure to use them myself as soon as I can afford
> it...
> -Meesta Ken
Another bust!