"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> LadyJane wrote:
>> that was really very evil posting that link Jill.
>> Just spent the last hour viewing a myriad of GR video footage - it was
>> brilliant.
>> And I still haven't seen all of the GR video clips on file!!
>> well worth a decent perusal of footage on file, for those who just
>> view the beets with balsamic & rocquefort!
>> LadyJane
> That's actually his kitchen. If you look closely, there's a foosball
> table
> at the end of the cooking island 
> Notice he only needs 2 burners? So much for folks who have to have 6
> burner
> stoves and a partridge in a pear tree
Of course you can't make do with
> that in a restaurant kitchen,
It is a Rorgue and cost £67k! The basement of the house has his wife's
kitchen where she cooks for the kids.