Thread: Corned Beef
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Mike Avery Mike Avery is offline
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Default Corned Beef

Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
>> How authentic do you want to be? Corned beef for Ruebens is simmered for a
>> long time to make it tender. If you grill or smoke it, it becomes closer to
>> pastrami. Season it with coriander and black pepper for that. Both are
>> good but I tend to make pastrami rather than just corning the beef. Rinse
>> it well, even soak it in fresh water for a while to get rid of excess salt.

I said just about the same thing in another post. But as soon as I
mentioned "Didja know what pastrami is? It's smoked corned beef!" to my
wife, she came home from the market with a corned beef, and some country
style pork ribs. With that and the lamb that is thawing in the fridge,
I believe that the smoker will be full on Monday.


....The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the world...

Mike Avery mavery at mail dot otherwhen dot com
part time baker ICQ 16241692
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