Thread: Corned Beef
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JimnGin JimnGin is offline
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Posts: 109
Default Corned Beef

> On 1-Sep-2006, "JimnGin" > wrote:

> Key here is that she wants to make reuben sandwhiches with it.

> Given that you want to make reuben sandwiches with it and you want
> it to actually taste like corned beef, there's only one way to do it and
> acheive that effect.. It must be braised with the seasoning packet
> (Pickling spice) in the liquid.

> Sorry that I am too late to help you out. I've cooked a lot of such
> corned beef's. We really like them at my hourse. It's one of those
> products that warms over extremely well and there is zero waste.

> Brick(Too soon old and too late smart)

Actually, it's not too late- she forgot to cook it, and as I said
earlier, I decided not to grill/smoke it, as my back was hurting like
hell. I guess we're having it on Labor Day, and she's cooking it in her
slow cooker. Her husband wants a traditional reuben. She has the
brisket in the fridge, soaking in water. On Monday, she's going to cook
it all day in a slow cooker. How much water should she put on it-
enough to cover, or just enough to keep it from drying out? I'm
assuming that she should add the seasoning/pickling packet to the water
at soon as she starts cooking it- correct?

