kalanamak wrote:
> I'm looking for recipes for an 89 year old person who lives alone.
> I'll be there to cook and freeze meals. These should be able to be
> pulled out into the fridge or counter, thawed and then nuked or could
> be defrosted in microwave. Soups are fine. She has no food problems,
> but shouldn't have lots of salt, she has teeth, but really chewy is a
> problem. She likes good food, so soggy yuk will not keep the weight
> on her. She doens't like really spicy or strong flavours. I can bag
> up very well, and she has a good deep freeze.
> Chicken noodle? Meatloaf? Pasta and sauce?
> What tried and true things do you freeze?
> Thanks so much
You've pretty much answered your own question. Yes, chicken & noodles will
freeze well. You didn't mention Lasagna. It's easy to cut into individual
portions for freezing and equally easy to to zap in the microwave.
Surprisingly, cooked rice freezes well so you might consider that (along
with the meatloaf) as a side with gravy (which also freezes well). Mashed
potatoes. Veggies, there's no end. Just shop your local freezer section