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Default What is JOIKA (Mexican food)?

Doug Freyburger wrote:
>>OK, here is the ingredient list just as it says on the can. Maybe it
>>is some other language, but the can looks mexican to me. Especially
>>the cartoon guy in the sombrero.
>>Ingredienser i kakene: Reinsdyrkjett, storfekjett, vann, potetmel,
>>salt (hey, I know what that is),melkeprotein og krydder. Saus:
>>Buljong, hvetemel, marintfett og ekte geitost.
>>Nettovekt 400g, hvorav 200g joikakaker
>>Lagres tert og frostfritt
>>Best fer utgangen av 2008.
>>That's exactly what it says, except some of the letter "e" are
>>actually a circle with a slash thru them.

> Clearly a Scandinavian language. Pretending it's mashed German plus
> English plus Norse and faking some words I get -
> Ingredients in cans: reindeer meat, fish meat, water, potato,
> salt, milk protein with modification. Sauce: Stuff I can't even
> guess.
> Net weight 400g, serving size 200g
> Store something with refrigerator
> Best for use by 2008
> Wow cream of reindeer stew. Rudolph and all.

Makes you wonder what parts of reindeer...

Best regards,