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Default OT - A message from Greg Zywicki

>Greg hasn't posted here for a while. It seems that he's been banned
>from posting via google because someone got their knickers in a twist
>about an OT post he made here several months ago. He's asked me to
>apologize for his offense. This is it. He's sorry.
>Greg's a nice guy. That someone reported him to google for doing once
>what a boatload of others continue to do here regularly and frequently
>boggles my mind. And he regrets that he wasn't able to address his
>transgression on group and apologize in this forum.
>-Barb, <> updated 5/7/04 - Fajita Soup.

This is crazy, I do not remember anything he has said that was so awful. This
newsgroup has had people make comments all the time and not get into trouble.
I think Google is out of line...