On 4 Sep 2006 00:35:57 -0700, "LadyJane" >
>Rod Out Back wrote:
>> Illegal to eat them in Australia(Fauna is protected under Australian
>> Law); regardless of how they ended up dead(Unless you're an Indigenous
>> Australian).
>sorry Rod, protected or not - if those suckers are in MY domain and
>threatening MY family, they are dead meat, and no, I am not an
>indigenous Aussie.
>They don't mess with me - I won't mess with them.
>They mess with me - they end up dead: no ifs, buts, or whyfores.
>My house. My rules.
>Should mention this only applies to venomous beasties - all other
>non-venomous beasties welcome anytime, anyday.
>Just ask the possums.....
>(local inhabitant who decided my cookbooks were a great place to spend
>the daylight hours!)
I wasnt questioning the need to kill them at all. I was answering the
question(from another poster) as to whether we ate them or not. My
understanding is that regardless of how the animal died (like with a
large shovel), it isnt legal for most Australians to eat them. To my
understanding, the only way we could legally eat them is if the animal
was captive raised for the purposes of consumption. I dont know of
anyone with that permission here in Australia(for snakes, anyway).
In my case, I follow this approach: When it comes to the bitey ones,
they are welcome to the 74,999 acres away from the house to live, play
and be happy. However, if they appear in or around the house, they
meet the shovel of destiny.
Identify them, and if they are bitey, thwokk hell out of them!
Rod.....Out Back
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