OT - A message from Greg Zywicki
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OT - A message from Greg Zywicki
hahabogus wrote:
> Wayne > wrote in
> :
>>Melba's Jammin' > wrote in
>>>Greg hasn't posted here for a while. It seems that he's been banned
>>>from posting via google because someone got their knickers in a twist
>>>about an OT post he made here several months ago. He's asked me to
>>>apologize for his offense. This is it. He's sorry.
>>>Greg's a nice guy. That someone reported him to google for doing
>>>once what a boatload of others continue to do here regularly and
>>>frequently boggles my mind. And he regrets that he wasn't able to
>>>address his transgression on group and apologize in this forum.
>>That's too bad, and he's missed here by me and, I'm sure, by many
>>others. Obviously there must be a reason why he must post via google,
>>but AFAIC google is one of the worst posting methods there is. Hope
>>he finds a way!
> Wasn't greg kind of stalking Sheryl? Perhaps that's the reason.
Different Greg.
Best regards,
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