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aem aem is offline
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Default Bacon-Wrapped Shrimp

kilikini wrote:
> Okay, I was just going to wrap shrimp up in bacon and broil it, but I did a
> Google. People use everything from tobasco, to worcestershire, horseradish,
> jalepenos, PICKLE RELISH!?!?, lemon, lime, water chestnuts, sesame oil, etc.
> Who here has made this and what did you use?

Wrapping some tidbit in bacon and broiling, or grilling, it makes for
some tasty appetizers. It can be shrimp, but it can also be scallops,
and -- classically -- it can be chicken livers. With or without a
water chestnut. I've done them only a few times but enough to convince
myself that it is the bacon that needs some care. You should trim the
bacon to size for whatever you're wrapping with it, and before that you
should partially cook it. In the microwave is easiest. You don't want
loose bacon ends flopping around, and you definitely don't want
uncooked bacon or overcooked scallops/shrimp. This is another case
where taking that "extra" step makes a big difference in serving a
well-finished product. -aem