plonk (wine term)
two buck chuck is really good. I would not call it plonk. Trader Joe's
sells it. It's really drinkable. As far as the word plonk - I can't
comment, but I have drank a few "two buck chuck's" and think it is
really good. Not bad wine in my mind or mouth.
Jose wrote:
> I have used, and heard used, the word "plonk" to mean "cheap wine", as
> in "two buck chuck" (although I understand that 2BC is a specific cheap
> wine).
> However, in perusing a Spanish/English dictionary, I came across an
> entry saying that "plonk" is English for wine, with no notation of
> quality. Well, hmmmm..
> So I went to my dictionary of slang and found the same thing... it comes
> from Austrailia/NewZealand in the early part of the 20th century. It
> started out meaning "cheap port", and by extension, =any= wine. By 1975
> the beatniks used it for any cheap and readily available alcoholic
> drink. But nowhere does it mention "cheap wine" as its own sense of
> meaning.
> So... how do you folks use the term?
> Jose