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Louis Cohen
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Default Pigs Ears - For Dogs

I would guess long slow low temp cooking to dry it out - like making jerky,
or dehydrating vegetables. The oven would be fine at the lowest possible
setting and the door propped open a bit for moisture to escape. Or use a
dehydrator. Or Run the BBQ at the lowest possible temp (maybe use an
electric hot plate instead of charcoal/wood. Or use an electric dehydrator.

Or, go to the beef butcher for large knuckle or leg bones that Fideaux won't
break, and toss them in the BBQ the next time you cook. Or give Fideaux the
large bones after you finish making beef or veal stock.

Louis Cohen
Living la vida loca at N37° 43' 7.9" W122° 8' 42.8"

"Steve Y" > wrote in message
> We pay silly prices in France for dried Pigs Ears for our Dog who loves
> them, we are actually now obliging friends coming to see us to bring
> bags of them from UK where they can be got at 1/3 the price.
> Remembering we have a Pork Butcher in the Village I was wondering how I
> could transform the fresh thing into something that will keep Fido
> amused for a few minutes. Is it a question of a High Temperature Short
> Time in the Oven or a High Temp to start followed by a reduced heat for
> a while to really dry them.
> Also have the option of a Smoker type BBQ if that would work
> Steve