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Richard Neidich Richard Neidich is offline
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Default plonk (wine term)

Some people never get what you pay for!!!

"Lawrence Leichtman" > wrote in message
> In article >,
> Mark Lipton > wrote:
>> Dave wrote:
>> > Trader Joe's -- they bought the winery a few years back. *blush* (for
>> > admitting I've actually bought some). I have to say... as a
>> > fourth-round bottle (entertaining friends, poker match, late-night BBQ,
>> > whatever) -- at the point where no one cares *what* is pouring, 3BC
>> > has, on one or two occasions, been used -- sometimes as a prank --
>> > though reactions were generally positive.

>> No quite, Dave. As Larry said, 2BC is made by Bronco (owned by Fred
>> Franzia, whose family sold the rights to their own name, now the bête
>> noir of the CA wine business) and sold exclusively through Trader Joe's.
>> My experience with it is that it's highly variable. Because Bronco
>> buys up surplus wine and bottles it under the Charles Shaw name, it
>> changes rapidly even within the same vintage. Most recently, I had a 2BC
>> Syrah that was one of the weirdest and most flawed wines I've had in
>> some time.
>> Mark Lipton

> I have even tasted wine from 3 different lots of the Cabernet tasted all
> at the same time. All 3 were totally different wines and 2 of the
> bottles were undrinkable weasel **** in my opinion. The other bottle was
> OK but not much in the way of cabernet flavor. Since it's 3 buck Chuck
> in Virginia $9 to get an only so-so glass of wine is not a good value.
> People seem to be caught up in the mystique of buying and under $40 case
> of wine.