Thread: Bad drivers
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Posted to alt.religion.kibology,comp.os.linux.advocacy,alt.english.usage,
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Posts: 243
Default Bad drivers

On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 15:52:19 -0400, Tony Cooper
> wrote:

>On Tue, 05 Sep 2006 15:37:55 -0400, wrote:
>>>>Selling roses isn't necessary. It's sufficient to goad pompous
>>>>know-it-alls into demonstrating their pomposity and know-it-allitude.
>>>>Thanks for helping out.
>>>I assume that the reason it took you four days to reply is that you
>>>wanted to work on your phrasing to sound as pompous as possible when
>>>making the accusation of pomposity.

>>Because it couldn't possibly be that Kevin was away from his computer
>>for the entire holiday weekend, could it?
>>Tony, can you get any more pompous and unoriginal? Let's see you rise
>>to the challenge, kiddo!

>I understand. You feel that Kevin can be that pompous without giving
>the phrasing lengthy thought. I agree with you.

Nice try, but you didn't use quite enough "big" words, though the
awkward rhythm of the phrase "lengthy thought" gives you a C rather
than a C-minus.