Pigs Ears - For Dogs
Fideaux (aka Jung) gets all the bones that come into the house plus a
few others, it's just nice to vary what he gets.
Agree that prices are high cos they are sold for Dogs, what is
interesting is the difference in price between here and UK. Dogs in
France tend to be either working dogs that tend to be large anddon't get
treats or small rat type things that are used as fashion accessories and
that probably couldn't manage something as large as a Pigs Ear !
Anyway, will talk to the Pork Farmer and see whether he will save me
some next time he takes a batch to abbatoir
Louis Cohen wrote:
> I would guess long slow low temp cooking to dry it out - like making jerky,
> or dehydrating vegetables. The oven would be fine at the lowest possible
> setting and the door propped open a bit for moisture to escape. Or use a
> dehydrator. Or Run the BBQ at the lowest possible temp (maybe use an
> electric hot plate instead of charcoal/wood. Or use an electric dehydrator.
> Or, go to the beef butcher for large knuckle or leg bones that Fideaux won't
> break, and toss them in the BBQ the next time you cook. Or give Fideaux the
> large bones after you finish making beef or veal stock.