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chef john chef john is offline
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Posts: 31
Default cauliflower spaghetti "aglio olio," a forgotten childhood favorite

In my opinion, one of life's simple pleasures is the classic spaghetti
"aglio olio." Pasta tossed with garlic, oil, and maybe some butter and
cheese. For those of us that grew up in Italian-American homes this
probably was the first pasta dish we ever tasted.

My mother did a variation on this comfort classic by adding chopped
cauliflower and hot pepper which as a youngster I always enjoyed. BTW
- like most kids I HATED cauliflower in any other form, but for some
reason when it was in spaghetti "aglio olio" it was MMMMM Good!

For whatever reason, as an adult I kind of forgot about this dish. The
cauliflower area of the produce section is certainly not a destination
by any means. During a phone call recently with mom she told me she
couldn't talk as she was just about to drain some pasta for this dish.
It brought back so many happy food memories that I ran out and got a
head and went to work. It was like running into an old friend you
havent seen for a long time.

Does anyone else have any similar memories of this ancient dish? It
seems like this is the type of dish that each family puts their own
little twist on. Anchovies? Herbs? Broccoli?

If you never made this dish, and would like to see a short vid clip,
there is a link on my homepage The sound and film
quality are still subpar as I continue my quest to teach myself
html/web programming etc. BTW ...THANKS to all of you that emailed me
with comments and suggestions to help me out. I've redigned the site to
make it friendlier with differnet browsers, but problems still exist
for some. Hopefully soon it will be accessable to all. i hope you
enjoy the clip and PLEASE try this dish. It's really simple and
satisfying. Enjoy.